Carlos Leonardo Brandão Maia
Carlos works in the tax and strategic litigation department in the office, following up highly complex processes. With over 10 years of experience, he has already participated in several legal disputes (individual and collective) and administrative disputes for clients of different branches such as, among others, mining, civil construction, cellulose production, hotel, tourism and events, highway concessionaires, ports, computer science, shopping malls.
His professional background includes operating in the Judicial and Administrative Courts, such as the Courts of Justice and the Federal Regional Courts, the Administrative Council of Tax Appeals (CARF), Finance Council of the State of Bahia (CONSEF/BA), Municipal Tax Council of Salvador/Bahia, Municipal Council of Taxpayers of Camaçari/Bahia etc.
In recognition, Carlos was mentioned at the international directory The Legal 500 Latin America 2022.
OAB – Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil - Seccional Bahia (Brazilian Bar Association – Sectional Council of the State of Bahia)
ITB – Instituto de Direito Tributário da Bahia
Academic Background
Specialist in Tax Law at Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários – IBET
Bachelor of Laws at Universidade Católica do Salvador – UCSal
Expressive Cases
Represented associations and unions in collective actions with acknowledgment of the unconstitutionality of taxes.
Represented companies from several branches in relevant cases regarding non-cumulative PIS/COFINS credit.
Represented a mining company in administrative and judicial proceedings regarding Financial Compensation for Exploiting Mineral Resources.
Represented civil construction companies in the defense of municipal tax requirements before administrative and judicial authorities.
Assisted companies in obtaining tax incentives before the Tax Administration at the Municipal and State levels.