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Hugo Marinho

Hugo Marinho

Hugo Marinho works in the strategic litigation department at the office. With more than 12 years of experience – seven of them in São Paulo -, he has participated in several legal disputes for clients from different sectors, such as mining, construction, transportation, energy, technology, entertainment and retail.

His professional background includes acting in all courts and arbitration chambers, such as the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce Arbitration and Mediation Center (CAM-CCBC), Chamber of Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration of São Paulo (CMA-CIESP/FIESP), Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration of Commercial Association of Paraná (ARBITAC) and Chamber of Mediation, Conciliation and Arbitration of the Law Firm Commission of the OAB-SP (CAMCA). He was also substitute professor of Civil Procedure and Civil Law Practice at the Universidade Federal da Bahia Law School. 

In recognition, Hugo was mentioned in 2022 edition and ranked in 2021 of the directory The Legal 500 Latin America.



CBar – Comitê Brasileiro de Arbitragem [Brazilian Arbitration Committee]

Young ITA – Institute for Transnational Arbitration

INOVARB/AMCHAM – Iniciativa dos Novos Arbitralistas

CAM-CCBC – New Generation

AASP – Associação dos Advogados de São Paulo 

Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – Seccional BA [Brazilian Bar Association – Sectional Council of the State of Bahia] 


Academic Background

Master of Laws in Procedural Law – USP

Specialist in Civil Procedural Law - PUC-SP


Expressive Cases

Assisted in the representation of a mining company in lawsuits involving the tailings dam failure.

Represented a multinational company of the project/consultancy branch for civil construction in a lawsuit related to the “Lava-Jato Operation”.

Represented companies in the sugar and alcohol industry in a lawsuit against multinational companies in the energy sector, a dispute that involved the approval of a foreign arbitration award in Brazil.

Represented entertainment companies in a lawsuit against a sports club, a dispute that involved an investment contract for the transfer of a renowned football player.

Represented a multinational company in the transportation field in a lawsuit against a company in the same sector, a dispute that involved a contract for the implementation of bimodal cargo transportation mechanisms (rail and road) in Brazil.

Represented an agribusiness company in arbitration administered by CMA-CIESP/FIESP against a multinational company in the same branch, a dispute that involved the sale of stock and other rights.

Represented a businessman in the real estate lease business in arbitration managed by CAM-CCBC against a real estate brokerage company, a dispute that involved a sale of stock agreement with non-compete clause.

Represented multinational company of paper and cellulose production in an arbitration managed by CAM-CCBC against industrial assembly company, a dispute that involved a contract for assembly of drying plant.

Represented a transportation company in arbitration managed by ARBITAC against a multinational company in the same industry, a dispute that involved an international cooperation agreement for the flow of goods between Brazil and Argentina.

Represented a former director of a retail company in a lawsuit against the same company, a dispute that involved the management of the company.

Represented a mining company in a lawsuit against an industrial assembly company, whose litigation involved falling silo at the site.


Articles and Publications

A inconstitucionalidade da nova prescrição intercorrente civil. Revista Consultor Jurídico, 2022

Fatores para a identificação dos precedentes com eficácia vinculante. Dissertação (Master of Laws – Graduate Program in Procedural Law) - Faculdade de Direito, Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.

ICO e o Direito brasileiro. TozziniFreire Advogados, 2017.

Aplicações do Blockchain em nosso sistema jurídico. TozziniFreire Advogados, 2017.

A independência funcional dos juízes e os precedentes vinculantes. In: Fredie Didier Jr.; Leonardo José Carneiro da Cunha; Jaldemiro Rodrigues de Ataíde Jr.; Lucas Buril de Macêdo. (Org.). Coleção Grandes Temas do Novo CPC - v.3 - Precedentes (2015). 1 ed. Salvador: Juspodivm, 2015, v. 3, p. 87-96.

A equidade no processo civil. Monograph (Specialization in Civil Procedural Law) – Coordenadoria Geral de Especialização, Aperfeiçoamento e Extensão, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, São Paulo, 2013.



Portuguese and English.

