Matheus Fontes Monteiro
Matheus Monteiro works in the tax litigation department in the office. With over 14 years of experience, he has participated in several administrative and judicial disputes for clients from different sectors.
His professional background includes acting in the Judicial Instances and Administrative Councils, such as the Municipal Tax Council of Salvador/Bahia (CMT/SSA), Municipal Taxpayer Council of Camaçari/Bahia, Finance Council of the State of Bahia (CONSEF/BA), Tax and Fees Court/São Paulo (TIT/SP), Municipal Tax Council of São Paulo/São Paulo (CMT/SP), Tax Appeals Council of Paraíba (CRF/PB), Administrative Board of Tax Appeals (CARF), Courts of Justice, Federal Regional Courts etc.
He was an Undergraduate Professor at a College in Salvador/BA. Taught a Tax Process Course at Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS, in 2016. Taught a Tax Practice Course at Escola Superior de Advocacia – ESA - OAB/BA, in 2015. He is assistant secretary of Instituto de Direito Tributário da Bahia – ITB and a contributor of the Constituição nas Escolas Project since 2018.
In recognition, Matheus was mentioned by the international directory The Legal 500 Latin America 2022 and ranked in 2021 edition.
Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil – OAB - Seccional Bahia (Brazilian Bar Association – Sectional Council of the State of Bahia)
Instituto de Direito Tributário da Bahia – ITB
Academic Background
Specialist in Tax Law at Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Tributários – IBET
Bachelor of Laws at Universidade Salvador - UNIFACS (Laureate International Universities)
Expressive Cases
Represented a company in the automobile trade branch in administrative proceedings with the Municipality of Salvador, involving discussion on the IPTU, a litigation that led to the creation of favorable precedent to the taxpayer before the Municipal Tax Council (CMT/SSA).
Represented the hotel sector with the Municipal Tax Council of the Municipality of São Paulo (CMT/SP), involving ISS topics.
Assisted in the representation of a company in the mining, metallurgy and forest resources branch before the Superior Court of Justice (STJ).
Represented hotel and port companies with the Federal Regional Court of the 1st Region, performing oral arguments, a dispute that involved debates under discussion in the Superior Courts.
Assisted in the representation of a company in the automotive machinery trade branch with the Finance Council of the State of Bahia (CONSEF/BA), a dispute that involved transactions of goods transfers between several States.
Represented company from the shopping mall sector with the Municipal Tax Council of Salvador/Bahia (CMT/SSA) in administrative disputes involving discussions about changings on the IPTU tax base’s criteria.
Articles and Publications
Os limites da duração do processo administrativo fiscal. Monograph (Especialização em Direito Tributário) – Pós-Graduação Latu Sensu, 2011. A prominent awarded monography:
A Constitucionalização da Propriedade Industrial. Monograph based on drug patent breaking. Project subsidized by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia (PIBIC-FAPESB) with support of Universidade Salvador – UNIFACS, 2008.